My Little Peanut is a non profit that aims to compassionately support Oklahoma families that have lost a child. We aid in helping to lift a financial burden for burial or cremation services, and personal family needs in the days and weeks that follow. Personal needs may include putting parents in touch with grief or peer support groups, spiritual guidance, food, transportation, and ceremonial discounts from local businesses. We also offer lost wages or rent assistance to those who qualify.
We have a monthly support group that focuses on our mommas spiritual needs and their sense of well being. This is a safe place where these women can build relationships and do life together. This is a place where birthdays are still celebrated and where they can find comfort in the dark days. Sometimes talking is the hardest thing one can do. That is why we have a strong focus on Art Therapy.
Although there is a time place for traditional therapy in traditional group settings sometimes words are not what get us through.
Art therapy is a tool to help interpret, and express their emotions and thoughts. This involves using visual art materials. For example, you might use pens, pencils, crayons, paint, chalk, clay or collaging. You might also use digital media, such as photos or video. Every momma in our group will receive an art journal that they can keep with them and share the things the have done if they like. You don’t need to have any art skills or experience.
If a momma is able to express her emotions through words and would like to talk, read a poem or song she has written its welcomed.
We also give referrals for therapy and spiritual guidance
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2
My Little Peanut was founded when a horrible unfair tragedy struck our family, the loss of our 15 month old grandson Hudson. He passed away from unknown reasons. One night he went sleep and never woke up. The heartache that followed I wouldn’t wish on anyone. In a blink of an eye our young daughter was faced with having to answers questions no mother should have to answer. Burial or Cremation? Flowers or Balloons? Viewing or no viewing? Pictures or video for the service? On top of this heart ache she worried about being able to afford a ceremony her child deserved.
Chances are this deep loss has touched someone you know. I was so naïve about this kind of grief until it touched our family. This grief hides in the shadows of our mothers, sisters, daughters, friends and coworkers. Mommas are filled with shame and regret and this is multiplied when our loved ones avoid the difficult topic of the loss of our baby.
Our Celebration of Life page is for our little ones. Parents will be able to post a picture and a paragraph of the wonderful life your baby lived. We use this page for Celebration of Life only, we do have other resources for venting and questions. We wanted this to be a place where we can celebrate their birthdays and wonderful lives they lived.
Resources available. We are here to help you honor your child.
We give all our mommas this wonderful Memorial Journal to remember their sweet baby. This guided baby memorial journal is such a beautiful way to memorialize the loss of their baby and to share with future siblings. Please donate to help support this sweet gift to them. Donate here to help bless the mommas with this Journal.